Thursday, January 25, 2007

Watershed Days So Far

I have never in my life imagined ministry being this amazing, but at the very exact same time, so so difficult! The life of a Church Planter is the most chaotic life you could live, and I never realized that until I hopped right into it all! The best part is, I love it! Maybe my life has seen its fair share of chaos, so this somehow blends on in!

Nate Feathers, the head Pastor, and I have to work at UPS part time to pay the bills because the church is not large enough or established to pay either one of us, so the stability of our positions as pastors is nowhere secure! There is always a chance that this ministry could easily fail! We have to realize that! But the way Satan is attacking us, Nate's wife Sonya and their children, and the various core team members of our church, we have to look at it from a positive optimistic viewpoint (Even though it does suck we're being attacked) that we are worthy to be attacked in Satan's eyes and he's scared like a little ho that something great is going to happen in our community! I truly believe that!

Being the oh so passionate person that I am, I am constantly pressing and forcing myself to overcome mediocrity and a complacency in my faith! As most of you know, it's very easy to fall into that kind of lifestyle! I don't want to be some baby Christian! I want to follow the principles of God and not just the prescriptions we are so used to living out! I want that for my core team too! I want them to grow! I want them to strive, yearn, and desire! I want them to experience God like no other time in their life! And it's happening! My team is great! I could not think of a better group of people that I would love to work with! They're young and still very energetic, they want change to happen, they're all so different in thinking so all kinds of different ideas come from every which way, and every last one of them will love you to the very last drop! They don't even have to know you! You will never, EVER, feel like an outcast or like you don't belong! God has blessed me with a phenomenal team!


The Feathers Fam said...

Thought I would get the comments rolling in!!! Just wanted to say that it's good to have you here in Columbus with us. You're such an important part of our family!!!

dan said...

my little barista! it's exciting to see the stuff that you're doing!